Lección 11 - Transportation (Transporte)
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Esta página: Lee reportes policiacos e identifica cual es el correcto.
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La conversación entre Mrs. Peters y Officer Stevens se repite a continuación. Lee los tres reportes que siguen después del diálogo e identifica cual es correcto.
OFFICER STEVENS – Thanks for coming in to the station Mrs. Peters. We need to get a report on what you saw during the traffic accident.
MRS. PETERS – No problem. I’m happy to help.
OFFICER STEVENS – What’s your full name?
MRS. PETERS – My name’s Lorna Ann Peters.
OFFICER STEVENS – Where do you live?
MRS. PETERS – I live at 3157 Fig Street.
OFFICER STEVENS - Where were you during the accident?
MRS. PETERS – I was on the street corner. I was waiting for the traffic light to change.
OFFICER STEVENS – What did you see?
MRS. PETERS – The traffic light changed and the red car stopped suddenly. Then the blue car hit the red car.
OFFICER STEVENS – Was the red car driving fast?
MRS. PETERS – Yes, it was going very fast and then it stopped suddenly at the traffic light.
OFFICER STEVENS – I notice you wear glasses. Is your eyesight good?
MRS. PETERS – I’m getting older but I can still see OK.
OFFICER STEVENS – Thank you for your time Mrs. Peters. I just need you to sign this police report.
MRS. PETERS – No problem.
POLICE REPORT DATE: October 14 OFFICER: Richard Stevens LOCATION OF ACCIDENT: The intersection of Main Street and First Avenue WITNESS: Lorna Ann Peters, 3157 Fig Street, Anytown, CA 54321 (619) 123-4567 WITNESS ACCOUNTS: |
POLICE REPORT DATE: October 14 OFFICER: Richard Stevens LOCATION OF ACCIDENT: The intersection of Main Street and First Avenue WITNESS: Lorna Ann Peters, 3157 Fig Street, Anytown, CA 54321 (619) 123-4567 WITNESS ACCOUNTS: |
POLICE REPORT DATE: October 14 OFFICER: Richard Stevens LOCATION OF ACCIDENT: The intersection of Main Street and First Avenue WITNESS: Lorna Ann Peters, 3157 Fig Street, Anytown, CA 54321 (619) 123-4567 WITNESS ACCOUNTS: |
Describe un accidente que viste o en el que estuviste presente.
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Inglés Avanzado -
Lección 11 - Transportation (Transporte)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego
Básico - Intermedio - Avanzado - Profesores
Pronombres - Pronunciación - Verbos - Verbos Irregulares
Vocabulario - Gramática - Pronunciación - Ortografía
Palabras Comunes - Preguntas - Estudiar en el Extranjero
Diálogos en Inglés - Lecturas en Inglés