Inglés Mundial


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Lección 11 - Transportation (Transporte)
Navegación: Inicio Nivel Avanzado Lección 11 → Diálogo
Páginas en esta lección: Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego
Esta página: Escucha y lee un diálogo de alguien que está describiendo un accidente automovilístico a un policía.

"The Traffic Accident"

Escucha y lee el diálogo.

► Escuchar el diálogo



Reporta la información del diálogo entre Officer Stevens y Mrs. Peters en estilo indirecto. Para este ejercicio escribe las oraciones sin la palabra opcional "that".

Officer Stevens told Mrs. Peters, "We need to get a report on what you saw during the traffic accident."
Officer Stevens told Mrs. Peters they needed to get a report on what she had seen during the traffic accident.

1. Mrs. Peters said, "I’m happy to help."

2. Officer Stevens asked her, "What’s your full name?"

3. Mrs. Peters said, "My name’s Lorna Ann Peters."

4. Officer Stevens asked her, "Where do you live?"

5. She said, "I live at 3157 Fig Street."

6. Officer Stevens asked her, "Where were you during the accident?"

7. She said, "I was on the street corner."

8. She said, "I was waiting for the traffic light to change."

9. Officer Stevens asked her, "What did you see?"

10. She said, "The traffic light changed and the red car stopped suddenly."

11. She said, "The blue car hit the red car."

12. Officer Stevens asked her, "Was the red car driving fast?"

13. She said, "It was going very fast and then it stopped suddenly."

14. Officer Stevens asked her, "Is your eyesight good?"

15. She said, "I’m getting older but I can still see OK."

16. Officer Stevens said, "I just need you to sign the police report."




Inglés Avanzado - Lección 11 - Transportation (Transporte)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego


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Vocabulario - Gramática - Pronunciación - Ortografía

Palabras Comunes - Preguntas - Estudiar en el Extranjero

Diálogos en Inglés - Lecturas en Inglés