Lección 7 - Food (La Comida)
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Páginas en esta lección: Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Ortografía - Dictado - Juego
Esta página: Lee un artículo de nutrición en inglés y contesta preguntas de comprensión.
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Imagine dividing your plate into four sections. One section is for fruits, one for vegetables, one for grains, and one for protein. Now imagine that the grain and vegetable sections are a little larger than the other two sections. Imagine a glass of milk or side dish with a dairy product, and your healthy plate is complete. This is what a healthy meal looks like according to the recommendations of the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) ChooseMyPlate educational program.*
Adults should eat 2 1/2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruits total every day. According to the USDA, we should eat more red, orange, and dark green vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and broccoli.
We should eat 6 ounces of grains every day. One ounce is one slice of bread or 1/2 cup of rice, cereal, or pasta. At least half of your grains should be whole.
We should eat 3 cups of dairy products every day. These can be milk, yogurt, cheese, or any other dairy product. Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products when possible.
We should eat 5 1/2 ounces of protein every day. Protein sources include meat, seafood, beans, nuts, and eggs. Try to eat fish or seafood at least twice a week.
Include these five categories of foods in the recommended amounts in your meals and you'll soon be much healthier.
*The ChooseMyPlate educational program and image were created by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (https://www.choosemyplate.gov/).
Contesta las preguntas con "True" (Verdad) o "False" (Falso).
¿Tu dieta es saludable o no saludable? ¿Por qué?
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Inglés Intermedio -
Lección 7 - Food (La Comida)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Ortografía - Dictado - Juego
Básico - Intermedio - Avanzado - Profesores
Pronombres - Pronunciación - Verbos - Verbos Irregulares
Vocabulario - Gramática - Pronunciación - Ortografía
Palabras Comunes - Preguntas - Estudiar en el Extranjero
Diálogos en Inglés - Lecturas en Inglés