Lección 2 - School (La Escuela)
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Páginas en esta lección: Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Ortografía - Dictado - Juego
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A magnet school is a school that offers a special curriculum designed to attract students from throughout the school district. Magnet schools generally use different teaching methods or offer special curriculum in areas such as technology or the arts. Students can enroll in regular public schools or these special magnet schools. Many magnet schools are so popular that parents need to put their children's names on a waiting list before enrolling. Some schools have waiting lists for a year or more. Magnet schools are not private schools, they are public schools which are usually funded by the local school district.
In one magnet school in the San Diego area students spend half the day with a Spanish-speaking teacher and half with an English-speaking teacher. Starting in kindergarten, native Spanish-speakers (many are Mexican immigrants) and native English-speakers are in the same classroom. The children play together and quickly become bilingual. Their language skills develop further in higher grade levels where they learn subject areas such as science and history in English one month and in Spanish another month.
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Plurales Irregulares en Inglés
Inglés Intermedio -
Lección 2 - School (La Escuela)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Ortografía - Dictado - Juego
Básico - Intermedio - Avanzado - Profesores
Pronombres - Pronunciación - Verbos - Verbos Irregulares
Vocabulario - Gramática - Pronunciación - Ortografía
Palabras Comunes - Preguntas - Estudiar en el Extranjero
Diálogos en Inglés - Lecturas en Inglés