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Lección 5 - Family (La Familia)
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Páginas en esta lección: Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego
Esta página: Lee un articulo de como hacer una lista de reglas para los niños.


"Family Rules"

Palabras Claves

A continuación, encontrarás una lista de vocabulario clave que necesitas conocer para entender la lección. Haz clic en cada palabra para escucharla y practicar su pronunciación.

quehacer doméstico
mal comportamiento
aplicar una ley
aplicación de la ley


Ejercicio - Palabras Claves

Selecciona la traducción.

1. castigo

2. juntarse

3. quehacer doméstico

4. premio

5. castigar

6. mal comportamiento

7. acuerdo

8. beneficio

9. involucrar

10. aplicación de la ley

11. seguridad

12. aplicar una ley



Family Rules

Imagine if you had a boss who didn't specify what the rules were in your work place but punished you if you broke these unknown rules. You would feel pretty frustrated, wouldn't you? That's how children feel when they are punished for breaking rules that have never been explained to them. Family rules are necessary to make clear what's expected of children and to outline punishments for misbehavior and rewards for good behavior.

When creating the rules remember to be specific both in what is expected and the punishment or reward. Gather the family together when creating the family rule list. Involve children in the creation of the rules and get their input as to appropriate rewards or punishments. Explain to children why you'd like to include certain rules. They will accept them more if they understand that they are for their own benefit and safety.

You may want to create the list of rules in the form of a contract which all family members sign. Before completing the contract make sure that all family members are in agreement as to the wording of the rules and the punishments or rewards for each rule.

Once the rules have been created, remember to be consistent with their enforcement. The list of rules doesn't mean anything unless it is consistently enforced.

► Escuchar la lectura



Selecciona la respuesta correcta.

1. Why do we need a list of family rules?

2. Which of the following was not a tip for creating family rules given in the article?

3. Why should we explain to children the reason behind the rules?

4. Who should sign the family rules contract?

5. What could happen if you don't consistently enforce the rules?


Lección Escrita

Escribe una lista de reglas para tu familia (o una familia con ninos). Para cada regla explica porque es importante y describe premios o castigos que van con la regla.

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Inglés Avanzado - Lección 5 - Family (La Familia)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego


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