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Lección 10 - Shopping (Compras)
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Esta página: Lee un artículo de adicción a las compras.


"Shopping Addiction"

Palabras Claves

A continuación, encontrarás una lista de vocabulario clave que necesitas conocer para entender la lección. Haz clic en cada palabra para escucharla y practicar su pronunciación.

hoyo; agujero
conducta; comportamiento
centro comercial
inducir tentación
echar un vistazo; mirar
refrenar; contener


Ejercicio - Palabras Claves

Selecciona la traducción.

1. financiero

2. hoyo; agujero

3. compulsivo

4. verdaderamente

5. deprimido

6. excavado

7. adicto

8. falta

9. conducta; comportamiento

10. emoción

11. adicción

12. impulso

13. echar un vistazo; mirar

14. remordimiento

15. inevitablemente

16. centro comercial

17. refrenar; contener

18. inducir tentación

19. consejero



Shopping Addiction

Are you a compulsive shopper?


Are your credit cards maxed out? Is it impossible for you to go to a store without buying something? Are your closets full of things you don't even use? Do you get a "high" when you buy new things only to feel depressed later because you've dug yourself into a deeper financial hole?

Shopping can truly be an addiction for some people. Shopping addicts exhibit the same sorts of behaviors as other addicts. They have a lack of control over their impulses. They get a thrill when they purchase new things but feel remorse later when they realize what they've done.

Some compulsive shoppers exhibit a lack of control in other areas of their life as well. They may even have other addictions such as alcoholism or eating disorders. A person with addictive behavior patterns should seek professional counseling.

How can you control your spending?

Make a shopping list and stick to it! Write down what you need to buy and don't buy anything that's not on the list. This will force you to buy what you need and avoid impulse purchases.

Use cash, checks or debit cards instead of credit cards. With cash, checks and debit cards, you are spending money that you have saved. With credit cards, however, you are spending money that you don't have. Hide your credit cards or cut them up. Don't take them with you when you go shopping.


Shop at individual stores instead of going to the mall. When you go to the mall, you will be tempted to go in other stores and buy things that you don't need. If the store that you need to visit is at the mall, park your car at the door that is closest to the store that you need to visit and don't go in any other stores.

Don't window shop, look through catalogs, or watch home shopping channels. These lead to impulse purchases. When you browse, you will inevitably find something you want to buy (but probably don't need).

If your shopping is beyond your control, seek professional help. Many people have some problems restraining themselves when they go shopping but if it reaches addiction level, you need help. Contact a counselor or join a support group.

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Busca el significado de estas expresiones por su contexto.

1. Are your credit cards maxed out?"

    a) You have many credit cards.

    b) You don't use your credit cards.

    c) Charged up to the maximum balance.


2. "Do you get a "high" when you buy new things only to feel depressed later because you've dug yourself into a deeper financial hole?"

    a) Very excited feeling

    b) Very sad feeling

    c) Frustrated feeling


3. "Make a shopping list and stick to it!"

    a) Buy extra things.

    b) Only buy things from the list

    c) Buy sticky glue.


4. Don't window shop, look through catalogs, or watch home shopping channels.

    a) Look at items in store windows.

    b) Look for and purchase windows for your home.

    c) Shop for a new wallet.


Según el artículo, cuales de los siguientes consejos pueden seguir los compradores compulsivos para tratar de controlar su adicción. (Selecciona tres)

    a) Use cash or checks instead of credit cards.

    b) Never go shopping again.

    c) Limit their purchases to items on their shopping list.

    d) Get counseling.

    e) Open a savings account in a local bank.




Lección Escrita

Imagina que un amigo tuyo tiene una adicción a las compras. Escríbele una carta dandole consejos.

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Inglés Avanzado - Lección 10 - Shopping (Compras)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego


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